
African American: For the purpose of this blog, it will usually describe an American citizen who is mostly or completely of Sub-Saharan African ethnic lineage. (Northern Africans, by comparison, often have more significant portions of European and/or Asian ancestry.)

Ambi-BR: a racially ambiguous looking biracial person.

Bi-ethnic: a more accurate term for someone typically termed "bi-racial" (see def. for "bi-racial").  The writer may use this term interchangeably with "biracial".

Biracial / Bi-racial: someone who possesses two roughly equal percentages of varying ethnic genetic ancestries. In the context of this blog, the term will usually refer to those who are about 50% African and 50% European. Also see "BR" and "bi-ethnic". The writer may use "biracial" interchangeably with "bi-ethnic".

BE: bi-ethnic (see def. for "bi-ethnic").

BL: See "Black".

Black: a person having a significant majority of African ancestry, generally refers to African Americans in this blog, but can include non-American Africans as well, depending on context. 

BR: bi-racial (or bi-ethnic) person or people. (See definitions for "bi-racial" and "bi-ethnic".)

EurAfrican / Euro-African: a person who is roughly 1:1 European and African descent. 

HEGA: hybrid experiment gone awry. Perjorative way of defining a biracial person who is thought of as physically ugly, or strange looking - as if the stereotype of a biracial having "the best of both worlds", looks-wise,  became the "worst of both worlds" instead. 

Hypodescent: the automatic assignment of children of a mixed union, or mating between members of different socioeconomic groups, or ethnic groups, to the group that's viewed as racially subordinate.

Light-skinned black person: Depending on what is deemed "light-skinned", this term may be used to advertently or inadvertently ignore the partial presence of non-black ancestry in biracial or multi-cultural people. The term often supports the One Drop Rule (see definition), as a way to deflect from the fact of a person's non-African ancestry.

Mono-ethnic: a more accurate term for someone who is "mono-racial" (see definition for "mono-racial").

Mono-racial: another term for "mono-ethnic", used to describe a person/people whose ethnic ancestral profile consists of a single, or predominantly singular, ethnic ancestry (ex: someone who is mostly or completely Black or White).

MR: a multi-racial (or multi-ethnic) person or people. (See definitions for "multi-racial" and "multi-ethnic".)

Multi-ethnic: a more accurate term for someone who is "multi-racial" (see definition for "multi-racial").

Multi-racial: a term that typically describes a person/people whose ethnic ancestral profile consists three or more ethnic ancestries (ex: someone who is about equal parts Black, White and Asian).

ODR:  an acronym for the "One Drop Rule".  (Also see "One Drop Rule".)

One Drop Rule:  The "One Drop Rule" is a colloquial term associated with the unscientific practice of hypodescent (see definition of hypodescent, above). This "rule" is more of an attitude, cannot be legally enforced, and is based on a racist myth that African ancestry is a contaminate, so that - for subscribers to this rule - anyone with "one drop" of African ancestry (any African ancestry at all) is to be considered African only. Per this writer's research, this rule has not been formally named in legislation (though some associate it with the Racial Integrity Act of 1924), and often relies on subjective interpretations of a person's racial appearance (phenotype). The sentiments associated with the One Drop Rule, however, seem evident from the long, historical American legacy of institutionalized White supremacy, dating from the antebellum past, to the Jim Crow era (with its pro-segregation and anti-miscegenation legislation), to present times.

Post-racial: term used to describe an imaginary, racism-free, racially-united America that briefly and exclusively existed in the minds of a few confused, major American news reporters, immediately following the 2008 election of President Obama. Some arguably delusional, fawning Obama sycophants took the concept and ran it into the ground. This country will be "post-racial" once we are all "post-human", imo. 

RAB: acronym for "racially ambiguous biracial" person.

WH: see "White".

White: a person having a significant majority of European ancestry; generally a term used to refer to European Americans, but can include non-American Europeans also (depending on context). 

White privilege: A constellation of conspicuous and inconspicuous institutional and social advantages conveyed upon people who are White, or perceived to be White, simply because they are White, or are perceived to be White. These race-based advantages are arguably enjoyed at the expense of those not accepted as White (or White enough to be called [just] White). 

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